Power electronics
CIRTEM has ISO 9001:2015 certification along with the expertise to deliver a service, product or system which complies with customer requirements and the latest regulations.
Thanks to our rigorous, multidisciplinary development and production processes, we are a prime supplier to military and automotive clients along with innovative startups and laboratories.
Turn over : € 6M

Key data
53 employees including 28 in R&D
2 400 m² of premises including 800 m² for the manufacturing unit
4 new products a year
Our means
150 kVA in situ testing platform
3 MVA shared testing platform
220 N.m in situ engine test bench
Shared EMC Workshop

History & Key dates
Over 30 years of expertise and passion.
CIRTEM is founded to carry out technology transfer between laboratories and industry
A second site is created for industrial production
The industrial site is ISO9001 certified
BlueSolutions (Bolloré Group) acquires a stake in the company
The industrial site is expanded to include all activities in one place
A strategic partnership agreement is signed with Aboard Engineering on embedded systems and supervisors. The year is marked by several industrial successes
Fountaine Pajot acquires a stake in the company
BOSCH acquires a stake in the company
Expansion of premises through the construction of a new building
Some industrial achievement
A complete electric vehicle with Matra
Inverter for incentive price signals with SCLE SFE which obtained 50% of market share
Design and provision of 444 power supply systems for CERN LHC
CIRTEM is one of the leading French manufacturers of speed drives with the BlueCar in carsharing
CIRTEM is a pioneer in smart grids with Smart ZAE and the solar plant of Alatain Corsica
Thalès has renewed its trust in us with the 2nd generation hybrid embedded power supply
Power module for Jeumont Electric